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AMEN House - Background Screening Portal


AMEN House - Background Screening Portal

Our Vision

We envision a hunger free Scott County where food rescue is second nature to every grocery, restaurant, farmer and gardener; where local businesses, churches, organizations and families fight hunger by sharing their resources through food or cash donations. As we meet the most basic need for food, we are listening to the families we serve and connecting them to other in-house programs and community partners, working together to offer opportunities for our clients to move from poverty to self-sustainability.

Background Screening Requirement

In order to be a volunteer or employee with AMEN House, an organization affiliated with the National Council of Nonprofits or one of their State Associations, each candidate is required to have a criminal background check completed prior to beginning their service.

Volunteer candidates are required to self-pay for their background check and will see a charge from Coeus Global on their credit card statement.

By selecting the appropriate link from the list below, you will ensure
that the correct type of background check is conducted on your behalf.

Please select the appropriate link below to begin your background check order

I am a candidate to volunteer - a credit card is required
*A charge of $36.95 from Coeus Global LLC will appear on your credit card statement

I am an applicant for employment

I am an AMEN House / Contractor / Vendor / Partner - a credit card is required
*A charge of $36.95 from Coeus Global LLC will appear on your credit card statement

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